Friday, October 26, 2007

On Disagreeing With G-d

A friend of mine said to me the other day, "I do not think that G-d minds if you disagree with Him." When pressed, he bowed out due to "an obligation". Now to be fair, I am sure his girlfriend really would have taken an axe to his head if he was late to engage in a theological discussion (and this is even funnier if you know her, but I won't spoil it for you). It got me thinking though. The reason it got me thinking is that I know this friend of mine and I do not take him to be a heretic or an imbecile. He is rather smart, certainly more educated than myself, and I felt like his choice of words was trying to get at something other than the words themselves.

So what could be meant by disagreeing with G-d? What could be meant that is not theologically abhorrent, that is. I think there is behind the statement a willingness to be honest first trusting that the Lord can one, handle it, and two cares enough to have us address our theological questions honestly. This is important. While I would never say it like my friend did, I do think that there is something there. More will surely follow.

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