Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Party Delegates

It is getting close to the big super tuesday event. Here in town, of course, we not only have Dean's recital and the superbowl (which will be competing for the same time slot), but we also have the presidential preference pole. I am planning on voting for Ron Paul. Afterwords the district has its convention (in my district, some are on another date) where they will choose delegates to travel down to the state convention (for the Republican party) in Anchorage and vote as you are directed (to reflect the popular vote in your local district). If there is a tie, then delegates at some point vote according to conscience in order to resolve the stalemate. The state convention sends delegates to the national convention (of course) to complete the picture. If you are a Republican- or a Ron Paul supporter- go out on the 5th of February and vote for someone.

Monday, January 28, 2008

Letting Go...?

Have you ever had difficulty dealing with some emotional things? Why is it that we want to describe it as letting go? Sometimes you are just grasping for a description of what you are feeling- or what you think someone else is feeling- and all you can say is- "I just can't let it go," or, "he just can't let it go." It is a strange thing. Why is it that that seems to be the only way we can think to sometimes describe how we are wrestling with something? Comments from the peanut gallery welcome.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Pirate Bar Hooker #1 and the Body of Christ

Have you ever felt like maybe your life was not quite what you had expected? Have you ever wondered just where it was that you supposedly fit in? I was watching Rambo IV the other day and when the credits rolled I noticed something... "Pirate Bar Hooker #1". Now May Kung did an excellent job in the role. The film would not have been the same without her... but do you ever wonder just what exactly you are getting on the "credits" so to speak? I think we all have felt like a Pirate Bar Hooker #1 at some time or another. We are all different parts of the body, which part am I?

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Because once I loved you
And once I was enthralled
And because you showed me
What it means to love.
Because you were beautiful
and weren't like me
and were kind
to me.
Because we fit and flew on wings
and other things which make me gasp,
I am changed.


Monday, January 21, 2008

MTV and the Presidential Election

Today in Fairbanks by the Mayflower restaurant at 4pm there will be a bunch of people doing a signwave that MTV is supposed to cover. Come out and support your candidate of choice. I will hopefully be there waving a Ron Paul sign- but we'll see if I can get off of work. Come out and support whichever candidate you desire. Let's have a good showing for the Folks at MTV.

Friday, January 18, 2008

Presidential Preference Pole

On February 5th there will be a republican presidential preference pole in Fairbanks. If you are a registered republican you should go and cast your vote for the candidate of your choice. If you are not a registered republican but you are a Ron Paul supporter, you should go as well- you can change your registration at the door.

Thursday, January 03, 2008

To My Readers

Sorry about the absence- it will continue for a little longer. I am ice-climbing and skiing. It is pretty awsome. I should be back in about a week. Hope everyone is having a great new year.