Monday, January 10, 2011

I dream a dream where gazes rise
Where all the hope and beauty lies
Where princes sleep and dragons rest
And all the coloured tucans nest.

Sleep tonight and you will wake
Though this storm is wild
Wait for me and I will take
You to that blessed dream my child.

Sunday, January 09, 2011

Another Year

Another year has passed. I now have more years than Baskin Robins has flavours. That one seemed a bit rough. I don't have that overly-optimistic feeling I once did. I am miraculously still here. Not to worry- I won't explain that. Still I do remember the fire. I do remember the desire. I do remember the capacity, the fervor, the zest... I remember being awake. It can take a lot to wake a sleeper. Let's hope that I am rousing.