Monday, August 28, 2006

The Problem at the First

Have you ever wanted to give up when you know that you did not have to? Have you ever given up when you know you did not have to? It seems an interesting phenomenon, giving up, calling it quits, whatever you want to call it. I think that a person often knows when they were defeated and when they gave up and defeated themselves- both involve failure, but both have very different feelings. One feels like a war with something outside of yourself and one feels like a war with self. But why would you war against yourself?

Thursday, August 24, 2006

What Do You Want?

While waiting I have lost the trail
And in the mists I that cut through time
I feel the latent power growing
Spilling out and taking mine.

The seas cut rough upon the bow
And Light the caps do dance on shore
We sail the world to find something
But always wanting something more.

Let light cut through the darkness thick
And find the hidden treasure there
For when we search among the seas
We risk the pains we fear to bare.

Who Cries To Save This Place?

I am homeless
I am bereft
I hear choirs of angels
And that is all that keeps me standing.

I despair of this world
I have failed in it.
It has beaten me badly,
But I hear choirs of angels.

I have grown to hate this place
Bereft of justice
Bereft of mercy
And this place is not my home.

What would I cry for?
Why would I scream for rain?
Here in this barren desert...
When I could scream to be taken from here.

I hear singing now here in this dark valley
I can feel the vibrations
And harmonies
And I hear the beat of angel's wings.

And so I will lift up my eyes.
And so I will not cry to the heavens.
I will rather sing and play
That my prayers may fill the golden bowls in heaven.

Saturday, August 19, 2006

On Love and English

Be still my heart which beats this slow
For I would speak to you of love
And listen please amidst the din
And fix your eyes above.

I hear the voice of Him who calls
And what He says I would relate
Be still my heart which beats so slow
And see the glow of heaven's gate.

You have a choice and it is yours
But you are not your own
And in this time when kings of men
make violence for their throne-

You will be tested sore and true
And must rely not on yourself
To love another you must decide
And this must be within yourself.

You need that love that you must give
And they shall know you true
When of yourself you give it free-
I wish so much to do.

The feelings follow the acts of right
And follow your acts of wrong
And whether or not you see the fight
This day will be quite long.

To be in love is quite a thing
To give of love is so much more
And when the first is long gone by
The second holds much in store.

On Loving Someone

So it is telling the words people use when they are unhappy in a relationship. It is a travesty how many people pass each other by and give up all because they do not understand and communicate to each other appropriately and effectively. When you say that different people experience feeling loved in different ways it does not sound too weird- it makes sense to most people. If they think about it, they may even come to feel that it is an obvious truth. Yet so many have not thought through what this means in their own relationships. I know I did not consider this much at all. I know that I usually did for my girlfriends what I wanted them to do for me. I suppose it is not completely irresponsible if I did not know what made a particular girlfriend feel loved to act as a default this way- but for some reason it never occured to me to ask. That was stupid of me.
I mean, I know that I cannot change the past (oh, how I know it), but wow, how many times did I come so close to applying this idea to a relationship and not do it. If you know that your girlfriend wants to sit on the couch and have you look her in the eye and talk to her about whatever it is that she wants you to talk with her about- why would you not just do it- I mean you like the girl presumably? It does not matter if it is easy for you to sit and talk or touch or give her things, or cook for her (you could even be an awful cook), or tell her she is wonderful- if you know she wants that, if you know that that makes her feel loved- why wouldn't you do any one or more of those things? I mean, as a guy, if I knew that I had to change the starter on a car and what I really wanted to do was change the starter on my car- I wouldn't go buy a metric tool set to do the job if the car was filled with english sized hardware. I don't care if one is more expensive than the other, or if one is only available two towns over- if I want to change the starter on my car and I do not have the right tools, I'm not going to use the wrong ones just because it's easier or it comes more naturally for me. I am going to use the right ones. In the same way, how many times have I told a girl she was pretty who just wanted me to sit and talk with her. And also how many times has a girl said nice things about me over and over again when all she really needed to do was give me a back rub and cook me dinner and I would have been her manslave forever- even if she told me I was an idiot everyday.
When people feel loved, they can do a whole lot of things they can't when they don't feel loved. When people feel loved they can put up and get through all sorts of hardships that would wreck them if they did not feel loved. I say thank God for love. Thank Gary Chapman for his book. And also thank you Doctor, for the reccomendation.

Friday, August 18, 2006


Who has known this time before?
That speaks to saints and men
And who has laughed amidst their fear?
Knowing they would win.

I have gone so deep inside
And comforted the beast
But when he roars I still shake
And run to fetch the priest.

Where I go to see the wound
The lights have never been
And in the dark and secret cave
It reeks of pain and sin.

The carnage there will dull the mind
And fill it full with fear
And no one goes so deep inside
Without the Christ so dear.

For in the cave the beast does wait
Waiting to be free
And when he's loosed upon the world
What will become of me?

Friday, August 11, 2006

On The Kimberlys

I talked (or should I say laughed) with an Australian woman today who was up in Alaska doing research on a duck that looks like a clown (at least the males do). She said she was going to do more research back in Australia. I would like to personally thank her for laughing at all my jokes. I hope I wasn't too much and that we didn't dwell too long in the gutter. I would also like to thank the Lord for the respite (brief though it may be). I appreciate it. Thank you both.

Though long the day and dark the night
And though I feel I've lost
When 'ere the last hour comes around
Someone takes the cost.

And when I think my strength will fail
And I cannot go on
You, my Lord, are strong to me
And sing to me my song.

I search the world and scour the seas
And find not one true boon
But when I fall upon my knees
You sing to me the moon.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

On Messages

Who wants to live forever? Those who are happy. Who wants to die? Those who think it will ease their pain. Who wants to feel alive? Those too close to death feel the light of the sun- Even as it beats hard upon them at noon. Their is a great tension between life and death and line between hope and despair is sometimes very thin. Sometimes we say what we mean. Sometimes we say what we want. Sometimes we keep both to ourselves. Sometimes we don't when we should. I will live forever. This is but a blink.

Monday, August 07, 2006

In Christ Alone I Stand Or Fall

In Christ alone I stand or fall
Though misery assaults me long
In Christ alone I stand or fall
And lift my voice to sing His song.

In Christ alone I live or die
And I would die this day
In Christ alone I reach the sky
As I strive and fail and pray.

In Christ alone my heart beats true
Steady as she goes
The rythm is the body does
And only Jesus knows.

In Christ alone I stand or fall
Though weary I press on
And though my flesh is breaking down
He carries my spirit on.