Saturday, January 28, 2006

On The Strenuous Life

The truth can be a hard thing to swallow. But the truth will set us free. It is hard to win a race- but that does not mean the race should not be run. It is hard to climb a mountain- but that does not mean it should not be climbed. It is hard to give birth to a child- yet that is not enough keep us from having children. Hardness is not badness. Yet it seems many people of my generation and the one after mine do not want to experience the hardness of thinking about their faith. They often seem adverse to reason. They seem to want only emotional satisfaction- and that only if it comes easily and quickly. If a man will not wrestle with predestination and the Bible- what will he do when he has to wrestle with torture or public ridicule? What will he do when he must die for His Lord? Life is not about ease. Ease is not the goal. Christ said that His children would suffer and be hated. Christ said that life would be hard. How can a man not think on a thing when and after it is brought to his attention as pertaining to the truth of God's word? Surely it is not because it is hard and requires effort and time. May the Lord have mercy on us the ignorant.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

On Meeting

The Lord is strong in His temple. He lifts up the weak and humbles the mighty. It is good to meet with Him. He brings his children together from afar. He knows everyone of them by name. He is our Champion. He is our Judge. Let the earth be silent before Him.

Monday, January 23, 2006

On Learning

Why is it that sometimes one can take so long to learn one thing? Why is it that the answer to your problem can be right in front of you for so long and you just do not see it? I trust that the Lord has a better plan than I do and will not leave me to my own devices indefinately. He disciplines those he loves after all. I think it would go better with me to remember that more often.

Sunday, January 22, 2006

I do it so you don't have to

I was running today and it was really cold. I think it was twenty-below. I just want everyone to know that twenty-below zero F. is really quite chilly.

Saturday, January 21, 2006

Cold Work Is Hard Play and Better Play In good time

While I was ice-climbing today in the twenty-below weather, I had a thought: the Lord has better timing than I do and I do well to trust Him.

On Providence

One day I found myself in a strange place that I had never imagined possible. I didn't think it was strange to be there- I thought it strange the way it effected me- or rather the way it did not effect me. I often wonder how it is that I have made it this long- how I have gotten this far... well, luck is only God's will for the Irish.

Friday, January 06, 2006

On Burdens

It is true that no one gets by on their own. No one exists in a vacuum. No one was meant to. So what does that mean?