Wednesday, November 14, 2007

"You can go your own way..."

Have you ever wondered what you should do, but found direction absent? As an American I am expected to figure things out for myself- I am an "individual" after all. It is expected by my culture that I possess a certain amount of self-reliance. Of course, Alaska takes this to some frozen extremes- but anyway I look at it, those around me often act as though everyone should already know certain things (which many do not). They should be able to figure it out for themselves. People even want to figure things out entirely for themselves on their own with no help from other people or institutions. If you can break with tradition and solve a problem you have really arrived here in the States. The culture loves new things. It winks at bucking the mold even when it has to enforce not doing so. Striking out on your own and forging your own path is a good thing. It is a laudable thing. To say that of someone is to praise them.

When you want direction, though, many people who may be able to help may think that it is not their place to do so. Many people will act as though you should not ask for help. The problem is you need help. I need help. Everyone needs help. Everyone needs direction. There was a time when the Church answered all questions. That time is gone from our culture. The question is- should it be gone from our lives?

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