Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Quote of the Week IV

"Is there a problem here at all? According to Goldman, 'Plantinga owes us an answer to the question precisely what cognitive faculties are there, and which ones must be functioning properly for a given belief to be justified?' But why do I owe us an answer to that question? No doubt it would be nice to have one, and no doubt a really complete theory would include something like such an account. But this just means that without such an answer my account is incomplete-- which of course it is. For Goldman, on the other hand, the problem is not incompleteness, but something much more debilitating: we can see that no matter which level of generality we select, the analysis will give us the wrong results. No analogue of that problem, so far as I can see, afflicts my account."
(Plantinga, Alvin. "Warrant and Proper Function" page 29. Oxford University Press; New York: 1993)

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