Thursday, April 24, 2008

Quote of The Week VI

When testing world views we cannot presuppose the truth of a given context or framework, for that is precisely what is being tested. Combinationalism cannot be a test for the context (or model) by which the very facts, to which the combinationalists appeal, are given meaning. An apologist, for example cannot legitimately appeal to the miracle of Christ's resurrection as a proof for the existence of God. Unless there was already a God to perform that miracle (or act of God), the ressurection could not be a miraculous confirmation of God's existence. Acts of God presuppose a God who can act. And to presuppose a God who can act in order to prove by one of his acts that he exists is viciously circular reasoning.
(Norman Geisler. Page 129 of "Christian Apologetics". Baker Book House; Grand Rapids: 2006)

1 comment:

Coffee Joe said...

Two brief Service reminders for my silent readers:

1) I make no claims to supporting or agreeing with the "Quote of the Week".

2) If you are reading this post on a site other than the original and you wish to comment- it would be best if you would go to the original site ( especially if you wish me to respond to your comment.