Thursday, March 27, 2008

Unexplained Notes On The Twenty-Seventh of March (ever expanding in mystic profundity)

Early Rise. Late Start. Close call. The Lord be praised. Coffee and Pancakes.

Listened to 1980 debate between Dr. R.C. Sproul and Dr. Greg Bahnsen on apologetics methodologies (Classical Synthesis and Presuppositionalism)

Ordered Chinese Food, will probably be here in about an hour- who's excited? (and how do you type a dash instead of a hyphen anyways?)

Chipped ice in front of apartment door- safety level is up 67%.

Eating an egg-roll right now- it is amazing.

Practiced guitar.

Found and copied a few choice definitions.

Took a Star-Trek break. Those Zindi are really gonna get it.

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