Tuesday, July 18, 2006

This day I Would Not See

The Lord protect me and keep me through these times. I think I would not choose this day. Yet this may be the most important day I have ever lived on this earth. Let the heavens rain down their mercy upon me. Let the strength of my creator fill me. I would not ask to live this day. I would not seek for it as I have for other things. I have loved you Lord for many years and you have surely loved me more. I would not search for this day unless I sought it to navigate around it. You are holy on your throne, oh Lord. Let me be silent before you- but not yet, there is still a lot of wailing to do. Let me look forward to the day of redemption- but know that you have made this day from eternity. I salute you my captain. Here and now I look to you. My heart is sick and I feel as though death waits for me close by. You are my strength when I am weak. I am weak, Lord. I am weak.

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