Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Quote of the Week XXVII

When death was new to me and I woke each day to the shock of its reality, I wanted nothing more than to claw my way back into sleep and my dreams, where there wasn't a pit of fear in my stomach and a heavy weight on my chest. I needed to breathe deeply, but it felt as though the air was rare and thin. I wanted only to stay in bed and cry, and when I looked around our bedroom and saw his things, ghostly images of Alex filled my mind, doing mundane things like pawing through a dresser drawer, looking for a sock.
(Jennifer Lowe-Anker. Forget Me Not: a memoir. The Mountaineers Books; Seattle: 2008.)


Coffee Joe said...

It's on page 2 of the book for anyone interested.

Anonymous said...

This is a really moving quote. Is the rest of the book this good?

Coffee Joe said...

I will let you know when I finish it.