Sunday, August 24, 2008

(Subtlety and Chuckles)

Some dreams are better than others. Some goals are worthy, some are not. You cannot always have what you want at a given time. Thankfully, we don't get all our dreams. We just do not always see how our dreams are good or bad. You know, as I have gotten older, I have realized that I want so much less out of life than I once did. I dream of little things. But simple and "little" are not always unprofound. The little things are so much more than we often think.

There is one thing I would like to remind myself of. Not everything that I want that I cannot have is bad. There is little reason not to try for that which is good. There is little reason to be dismayed when you fail at good dreams. Just stay away from the bad ones.


SilenceBetweenTheWords said...
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Robyn said...

Wonderful observation.

I find the simple life is the most satisfying. It is the small things that make me smile, the very, very small things.

May your life be full of peace, truth and balance.

Coffee Joe said...

Thank you, very much.