When you look at me like that
It Shakes me.
When I can see that you care,
in your eyes
It rattles my bones.
I lose my nerve under kindness
Like that in your eyes
I have to look away.
I am so used to harsh words
And harsh looks-
But I cannot look back
Not in your eyes, not when they are so kind
I do not want to look away
But I feel like you see inside me
And I am scared.
I feel exposed
Those who hate you cannot hurt you
Not nearly as much as those who care about you
And so if you care about me,
You can hurt me
And I am frightened
Like a child,
Because your eyes are so kind.
Our conversation last night about this poem was good. I do care. I hope your fear doesn't last long, not that it's a bad thing (which I now understand :) ). but if it does, that's quite okay too.
Anyway, have a great time with your family! Happy Thanksgiving, Joseph Nichols.
This poem was originally published in november of 2005 in what seems like another lifetime ago. You can tell by the existing comment that it written before that date and that things were very different then. I thought it would be appropriate to publish this again. It is not so locked into its original context as to be worthless outside of that. Let me know what you think. Comments are always appreciated.
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