Thursday, October 27, 2005

On Fatigue

While tired, temptations increase. Should one then avoid all things that make one tired? When does avoiding temptation go from being wise to being rediculous? At what point does it change? You cannot plan for everything. It is also unwise to not plan.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Fatigue doesn't increase temptation; it simply decreases the ability to resist temptation. Life, in and of itself, makes one tired. So do you give up life in the quest to resist temptation? Temptation, in all its forms, is just another choice. I'm tempted to scream in the middle of this ear piercingly quiet library, I'm tempted to reach out to someone who appears unreachable. Avoiding temptation is to cease making choices, and when choices cease, wisdom ceases. That’s when it becomes ridiculous. –Orion