Friday, July 08, 2011


Saturday, July 02, 2011

And First to Crush the Wisdom Comes

There are days of death and days of war
That bring us closer to your door
And while we shuffle anxious feet
We wait outside the door to meet.

We fail and lose and fall and die
And wonder vaguely towards the sky
The things we thought were sure are dead
And things we hoped are put to bed.

Life goes on, or so they say
and bad men usually get their way
But what is most surprising now
Is not the what or the how.

Friday, March 04, 2011

Truth calls for love
Love stands on truth
We stand or fall on blood
And blood makes us clean or sends us below.
And so everywhere there is blood.

Thursday, March 03, 2011


Sometimes it so happens
And life can never be the same
And all we want to know
Is how can He possibly redeem this?

Friday, February 25, 2011

Going to Trust...

You ever feel like you were stuck? You ever feel like there just wasn't a good option? You ever feel happy? You ever feel like things couldn't get any better? Feelings are important... but they do have a way of confusing things, don't they?

Trusting God when things seem bad and when things seem great can be hard to remember. Living with feelings can be hard to do. He is God however. Who else are you going to trust?

Monday, February 21, 2011

Quote of the Week XLI

All too often, however, we are enticed by the worldly substitutes. When facing hardship, we are apt to seek a friend before turning to the Psalms. When tempted to doubt God's provision, we turn to human leaders before going to the words of Jesus. When angry, we seek someone who will justify us rather than the wisdom of Proverbs. Within us all is the tendency to turn to the uninspired books of men ahead of the inspired Book of God. (J. Ligon Duncan, Ph.D. and Randy Stinson, Ph.D. from the preface of Recovering Biblical Manhood and Womanhood. Crossway Books. Wheaton: 2006.)

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Clock-time is a plague
A fading shadow of real order
The ticking of the seconds
Is not the sun, is not the moon.

There is a season
But it is not a roman god
There is a time
But we do not decide its beginning or ending.

Real days pass
And real hours come
We move through time like a wave
It mostly moves us.

Wednesday, February 02, 2011


I just finished a biography on Dietrich Bonhoeffer written by Eric Metaxas. Rarely have I seen such a gift of writing used on a biography. So much to think about. So much to be thankful for. I loved all of it.

Monday, January 10, 2011

I dream a dream where gazes rise
Where all the hope and beauty lies
Where princes sleep and dragons rest
And all the coloured tucans nest.

Sleep tonight and you will wake
Though this storm is wild
Wait for me and I will take
You to that blessed dream my child.

Sunday, January 09, 2011

Another Year

Another year has passed. I now have more years than Baskin Robins has flavours. That one seemed a bit rough. I don't have that overly-optimistic feeling I once did. I am miraculously still here. Not to worry- I won't explain that. Still I do remember the fire. I do remember the desire. I do remember the capacity, the fervor, the zest... I remember being awake. It can take a lot to wake a sleeper. Let's hope that I am rousing.